New Five Saints Distilling Brings Nostalgia and Commerce to Norristown


five states distilling

Part distillery and part museum, Five Saints Distilling hopes to rejuvenate Norristown commerce, enticing people with handmade spirits and local history, according to a Newsworks article earlier this week.

“Recently retired pharmaceutical company executive John George felt like it was too late to get in on the craft beer boom, but is hoping to cash in on hand-made spirits.”

Instead of building a new facility, or renting a standard commercial space, George selected the empty Humane Fire Engine Company building as the distillery’s new home.

As homage to the 150-year-old Fire Company, Five Saints features artifacts from unsung heroes and local volunteers in a museum-like display throughout the facility. Artifacts include “pictures, dress uniforms, ceremonial helmets, parade bugles and a fire pole standing about 20 feet.”

“Norristown Fire Chief Tom O’Donnell said it was difficult to say good-bye to the Humane Fire House,” but admits that the “closure resulted in an economic opportunity for the community.”

Five Saints was named for five important family members and George hopes that his success will honor them.

Located on the corner of Main Street and Green Street in Norristown, Five Saints is one of 28 new businesses to open in Norristown this year. “The distillery has begun pouring its first drinks for the public.”


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