Two Montco Execs Honored at Minority Business Leader Awards
The leaders of King of Prussia’s Spectrum and Montgomeryville’s Electro Soft were among those honored by the Philadelphia Business Journal at its Fifth Annual Minority Business Leader Awards ceremony.
The evening cocktail reception at the Loews Hotel celebrated leaders and rising stars who have managed to overcome numerous obstacles and displayed rare talents that have made a mark on the Greater Philadelphia business community.
Peggy Kelly, president of Spectrum, is a well-respected leader whose highly successful track record speaks for itself. When asked about the biggest issue currently facing minority businessmen and women, Kelly said it is having the confidence to speak up and show strength.
“As a member of the board of NAAAP, I am inspired to see the dedication and focus of young professionals who want to succeed,” she said.
James Wallace, CEO of Electro Soft, started his highly successful company in his kitchen, and has now grown it into a multimillion-dollar family business. His advice for young professionals is to try to find something they enjoy.
“The pay may be less in the beginning, but if you like what it is you’re doing, you will be a lot more successful at it,” he said.
Read more about the honorees in the Philadelphia Business Journal by clicking here.
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