Abington-Jefferson Doctor Leading by Example


Neil Skolnik, associate director of Abington-Jefferson Health’s family medicine residency program, is inspiring patients to change their habits. (image via Philly.com)

Once he started exercising and losing weight, Jenkintown doctor Neil Skolnik noticed that his change in habits had brought an unexpected benefit, as his longtime patients suddenly started listening to him, writes Stacey Burling for Philly.com.

As an associate director of the family medicine residency program at Abington-Jefferson Health, Skolnik often explained the benefits of diet and exercise to his patients. However, he often felt his words were falling on deaf ears.

“I always talked with an assumption based on what I thought were my observations, that for the most part, people were not very successful.”

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But then, when Skolnik who is in his later forties found himself not feeling very well, something changed. He realized he had to practice what he preached, and started following his own advice. Before long he had dropped 35 pounds and began feeling much better creating an astonishing reaction from his patients.

However, he believes that they have started listening not only because they see the change in him, but also how he talks and listens to his patients now.

“When you present intelligent people with information, they make intelligent choices, and then you have to support those people,” said Skolnik.

Read more about Neil Skolnik’s journey at Philly.com by clicking here.

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